ring tail

ring tail
хвост кольцом; "бублик"

English-Russian dog training dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "ring tail" в других словарях:

  • ring-tail — ringˈ tail or ringˈ tailed / tāld/ adjective 1. Having the tail marked with bars or rings of colour, as a lemur 2. Having a prehensile tail curled at the end, as do certain species of opossum • • • Main Entry: ↑ring …   Useful english dictionary

  • ring|tail — «RIHNG TAYL», noun. a small, squirrellike mammal with a pointed face and a long tail with black rings, found in the southwest United States and Mexico; cacomistle. It is sometimes kept as a pet for catching rats and mice …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ring tail — Als Ring tail oder Schwanznekrose bezeichnet man eine bei Ratten auftretende Erkrankung des Schwanzes, die durch ringförmige Einschnürungen und Absterben (Nekrose) der betroffenen Abschnitte gekennzeichnet ist. Sie tritt vor allem bei Tieren in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ring-tail Cat — Ring tail Cats are named that for their seven or eight black rings on their tail. Technically, Ring tail Cats are not related to cats at all; they are in the family of Procyonidae , otherwise known as Bassariscus Astusus . They range from the… …   Wikipedia

  • ring-tail perch — noun : yellow perch …   Useful english dictionary

  • ring-in — noun a) A replacement, made at the last minute, usually in a sporting context. But I couldnt get into an underground contract party because Im a ring tail, or ring in. That means an outsider, one not born in Broken Hill. b) An outsider …   Wiktionary

  • Tail gunner — tail gun armaments may also be operated by remote control from another part of the aircraft. General descriptionThe tail gun armament and arrangement varied between countries. During World War II, USAAF heavy bomber designs such as the B 17… …   Wikipedia

  • Ring of bells — (or peal of bells ) is a term most often applied to a set of bells hung in the English style, typically for change ringing. Often hung in a church tower, such a set can include from three to sixteen bells (six and eight bell towers are… …   Wikipedia

  • ring-tailed — /ring tayld /, adj. 1. having the tail ringed with alternating colors, as a raccoon. 2. having a coiled tail. Also, ringtail. [1715 25] * * * …   Universalium

  • ring-tailed — ring′ tailed or ringtail adj. 1) zool. having the tail ringed with alternating colors, as a raccoon 2) anat. zool. having a coiled tail • Etymology: 1715–25 …   From formal English to slang

  • Ring-tailed — a. (Zo[ o]l.) Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color. [1913 Webster] {Ring tailed cat} (Zo[ o]l.), the cacomixle. {Ring tailed eagle} (Zo[ o]l.), a young golden eagle. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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